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发布时间:2020-11-17 10:35:09 阅读: 来源:洗头帽厂家

<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "当你要着手开发最好的中小型无尾割草机时,当然,与之最匹配的只能是最好的小型柴油发动机",Munnsville公司销售副总裁比尔-谢伊在纽约的费里斯工业基地说。</FONT></P><FONT face=Courier>

<P><BR><BR><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "我们已经研发设计出了最新的ISA 4500Z系列,无论是从性能和价值等方面都达到这个高度竞争性的市场的新水平,其中卡特C1.1(原来的卡特3011C)为主打产品。"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 卡特彼勒10-60马力范围内的小型柴油发动机的新生产线在多年以汽油发动机为标准的专业景观建设和绿化的领域内建设成功。费里斯选择的ISA4500Z系列的C1.1具有环保、安静、高效能和燃烧充分等特点,符合美国现行2级排放标准和欧II排放标准。&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 比尔-谢伊接着说:"美国2级排放标准的证书是非常重要的,但并不是唯一的。之所以吸引用户的是我公司的发动机都能很容易的达到和保持该标准并且产品经久耐用,而且产品环保安静的性能使得操作更加简便。当你将我公司的发动机产品与全国、全世界的同类产品相比较就可以发现,卡特彼勒的服务和零配件的供应网络是无与伦比的。卡特发动机在所有水平都有明确的竞争优势。"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 卡特C1.1是一款有3个汽缸,自然吸气,间接注射式的柴油发动机,能在每分钟3400转的时候产生28HP(20.9KW)和43.5lb/ft的扭矩。和所有的小型柴油发动机一样拥有美国2级排放标准证书,单边维修和多次改造的能力。该系列发动机在景观设计和绿化领域内开创了动力、扭矩、可靠性、操作性和低成本的新标准。&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 费里斯新型ISA4500Z系列割草机配有公司ISA标准独立悬挂前轮和主动操作悬挂后轮。费里斯是ISA独立悬挂系统标准的发明者,行业内只有该系统可用于乘式割草机。关于该系列割草机的其他更高级的特点包括:与同类竞争品牌相比,对延长轴的使用寿命提供了300%改进,灵活的卸料斜槽,具有腰部保护和根据人类环境改造学重新设计的豪华舒适的高靠背式座椅构成的舒适的操作环境。液压驱动系统为超长的可靠性和杰出的操作性提供高容量,风扇制冷泵和大替代车轮发动机。&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "ISA4500Z系列机器能够在其自身的长度范围内转身"比尔-谢伊解释说,"因为在平滑、持续的动力传动情况下,驱动轮能自动计算旋转范围,使用者可以在舒适的座椅上对可变换的液压系统进行完全的控制。"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 高效环保的卡特柴油发动机在整个专业景观建设和绿化领域内以其使用寿命长,杰出的扭矩和功率等级等优势成为用户最理想的选择。卡特彼勒向费里斯这样的设备制作者提供了操作便捷友好、安静和经济节能的柴油发动机,并且生产出了象ISA4500Z系列在高度竞争的市场中具有重大优势的产品。</FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "When you set out to build the best midsize, zero-turn mowers, it''s only natural to equip it with the best compact diesel engines," said Bill Shea, vice president of sales for Munnsville, N.Y.-based Ferris Industries. </FONT></P>

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<P><BR><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Our new ISA4500Z series has been designed from the ground up to deliver new levels of performance and value in this highly competitive market, and the Cat C1.1 (previously the 3011C) is a big part of the package."</FONT></P>

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<P><BR><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Caterpillar''s new line of compact diesel engines in the 10 to 60 horsepower range is making significant inroads in professional landscaping and lawn care markets where gasoline engines have been the standard for many years. The C1.1 chosen by Ferris for the ISA4500Z series is clean, quiet, powerful, and extremely fuel efficient, while meeting the Tier 2 emissions standards now in effect in the United States, and Stage II emissions standards in Europe. </FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Tier 2 certification was an important consideration," Shea continued, "but it certainly wasn''t the only one. These engines are very easy to maintain and very durable, which appeals to owners. And, they are extremely clean and quiet which makes the operator''s job much easier. When you put that together with the nationwide, and worldwide, Caterpillar service and parts organization the package is unbeatable. The Cat engine gives us a clear competitive advantage on all these levels."</FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Caterpillar C1.1 is a three-cylinder, naturally aspirated, indirect injection diesel engine producing 28 horsepower (20.9 bkW) and 43.5 lb/ft of torque at 3400 rpm. Like all Cat compact diesels it features Tier 2 certification, single side servicing, and the ability for multiple rebuilds. This engine series is setting a new standard for power, torque, reliability, quite operation and low cost of ownership in the landscaping and lawn care industry.</FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ferris'' new ISA4500Z series mowers are equipped with the company''s ISA? Independent Suspension on the front wheel and Active Performance Suspension (APS) on the rear wheels. Ferris is the inventor of the ISA? Independent Suspension, the only suspension system available for riding lawn mowers in the industry.</FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Other advanced features include the company''s Hercules? mower deck spindles that offer a 300-percent improvement in spindle life compared to competitive equipment; an improved deck lift; a flexible discharge chute; and a comfortable operator environment built around a deluxe high-back seat with lumbar support and a re-designed, ergonomic control panel. The hydraulic drive system offers high-capacity, fan-cooled pumps and large-displacement wheel motors for long-term reliability and outstanding performance and maneuverability.</FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "The ISA4500Z series machines can literally turn within their own length, "Shea explained, "because the drive wheels can actually counter-rotate while delivering smooth, constant motive power. The operator has complete control of the infinitely variable hydraulic drive from the comfort of his seat.</FONT></P>

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<P><FONT face=Courier size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ferris is a customer of Cat dealer Milton Cat Industrial Engine Group, Warner, New Hampshire. Clean, efficient Cat diesels with their long life and outstanding torque and horsepower ratings are the perfect choice for a whole range of professional landscaping and lawn care applications. Operator friendly, quiet, and economical they give equipment-makers like Ferris, and products like the ISA4500Z series a significant advantage in a highly competitive market.<BR></FONT></P>



